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Worship and Music

At the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, we believe that how we worship shapes who we are and what we believe. Our services come from the Book of Common Prayer and are rooted in the beautiful liturgies of the Church of England. We offer three weekly services of Holy Communion, as well as other seasonal offerings.

Weekly Worship Services:

Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.  Our midweek offering is normally simple, beautiful, and comforting service where we offer both communion and prayers for healing. You may choose to come forward to be anointed with the oil of unction, that is, oil that has been blessed by our bishop for healing.

First Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.  On the first Wednesday of each month we offer a special communion service for our college student ministry (Canterbury). This “Canterbury Service” features bluegrass instruments, and an informal style.

Sundays at 8:00 a.m.  Our “early church” offering is a simple “Rite I” service of Holy Communion which provides more time for silent prayer and traditional language but does not feature music. It usually lasts about 45 minutes, and a nursery is available.

Sundays at 10:30 a.m.  Our principal worship service of the week is this “Rite II” service of Holy Communion. It features organ music and our parish choir. The language is a bit more contemporary than the earlier service. To learn more about what a Sunday morning looks like at ECR, please visit: I’m New.

Choral Evensong:

Quarterly, we offer a Sunday evening service of Choral Evensong. This is a choir-led service of evening prayer in the Anglican tradition.

Seasonal Services:

We follow the liturgical calendar of the church, so in addition to special services for Christmas and Easter, we also observe Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, and all of the services of Holy Week and Easter. In addition, we offer a fun “Jazz Mass” on Shrove Tuesday, an outdoor “Bluegrass Mass” later in the spring, and a “Blessing of the Animals” in early October.

Our Parish Choir:

The Parish choir is open to all who desire to sing and make a joyful noise! Music has the ability to inspire people in a unique way, and it is the intention of our choristers to enhance the congregation’s participation in holy worship and the Episcopal liturgy through an inclusive and meaningful blend of music. We believe that music in worship is one of our offerings to God.

Musicians with all levels of experience are invited to participate. Music reading skills and performance experience are not required. Under the direction of Organist and Choirmaster Mr. Peter Infanger, choral instruction ranges from traditional to creatively progressive. Our choir experience is one of commitment, service, enjoyment, and community.

Getting Involved:

Everyone who attends our worship services has a role to play, but there are lots of specific roles you can fill if you’re interested. Please check out our “Get Involved Form” to learn more.